Construction Articles2020-03-13T04:18:02-07:00

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Is it Worth Switching from Gas to an Electric Water Heater?

In this blog post we'll try to answer the question: Is it Worth Switching from Gas to an Electric Water Heater? In fact you're not actually switching, you're replacing. These are just different types of water heating devices. It's not

By |Blog, Water Heater Advice|

Serving Clients in Chula Vista. Plumber’s Point of View.

Living in Chula Vista, California has many advantages and benefits.   Like in any other town home owners take care of a list of systems, devices and units.   Unlike the end of the 19th century when you'll often cross

Mother’s Day: A Plumber’s Practical List of DIY Fixes and Plumbing Gifts

You wouldn’t be surprised being on a plumber’s blog and reading suggestions for plumbing gifts for your mother this upcoming Sunday for Mother’s Day, would you? In fact, regardless of the fact if you'll celebrate it or not, you might

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Is It a Good Idea to Clear Clogs with DYI Cleaner? Clogged Drain Home Remedy

For some people in San Diego county clearing clogs on their own might be a good idea and we can’t really stop them doing that. Still, our advice as a professional is leaving this to someone who has done it

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Building Inspiring Spaces

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